Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Allegory of the Cave" and "The Banking Concept of Education" Synthesis

Both Texts focus on the concept of education, and how there are different methods in teaching. The texts to be synthesized are Paulo Freire’s “The Banking Concept of Education” and Plato’s “Allegory of the cave”. Paulo Freire argues that the “banking” concept of education is solely the teacher making “deposits” which the students receive, memorize, and repeat. Freire states that the students are filled with content that is detached from reality and that dialogue and communication between the teacher and the students is non-existent. The humanist theory of teaching contradicts the ideas from the banking concept of education. The humanist theory states that students should be prepared for the real life situations by thinking more critically and that the teachers and students learn from one another, not just the teacher being the sol educator. In Platos “Allegory of the Cave” he argues the idea that one cannot go through life being ignorant, but must be open-minded to the world surrounding. Just as the escaped prisoner opened his eyes to the suns light, so must we to reality. Plato offers a different approach for the teacher then the one described in Frefire’s essay. Plato says that teachers act as facilitators and that the students are already filled with knowledge, but through the teacher asking questions and facilitating discussions, the students are able to realize their full potential.

In Conclusion, both Freire and Plato propose that the best way for a student to learn is through critical thinking, and preparing for reality. Both suggest that teachers and students learn from each other and one is not solely “all knowing”. It is important for the educator to recognize that dialog is important for the students to be able to think for themselves and become more intoned with reality they must face. 


Scubadiver1188 said...

I liked your use of the examples in both of the essays. You made some very good points and supported them without missing a beat. Though i wonder what you think about both of the essays. Do you agree with Plato, or do you agree with Paulo.

Kimbi33 said...

I agree with you in your ending paragraph when you say, "both Freire and Plato propose that the best way for a student to learn is through critical thinking and preparing for reality." This was a high focus point int Freire's essay. I think it would be important to maybe bring this up in the first paragraph to go into more detail about what both authors are trying to portray. I think that overall your blog flows and you did a great job incorporating the information from both pieces!

Brittany said...

I like how you interpreted these stories. Students cannot go through life memorizing and not being ready for the real world. Also Platos side they cannot go through life being ignorant either. Like Nike and others said, what side to you agree more with? Both? One more than the other?

Susanne said...

you are right that students should not go through college or life only memorizing the information being dumped on them but they should be critical thinkers and question the things they are told by their teachers. However,reality sometimes looks different and many classes are just geared towards memorizing and later recalling things for the test or exam.
you are making a good point taking both concepts into consideration but what is you personal standpoint on this matter?