Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"The Right to Fail"

Who decides what is success and what is failure? According to the “American Dream” success involves graduating high school, attending a college university and then become successful in a professional career.  In “The Right to Fail”, William Zinsser writes, “ The right to fail is one of the few freedoms this country does not grant its citizens.” Today there is so much pressure for a teenager to go to college, whether they are following the footsteps of everyone else in their family or are the first in their family to go to college.


My mom didn’t finish college, but rather got married and started a family. Though she did not complete college, that has not affected her ability to be a hard worker. She is in sales at a computer company and works with many people that have a college degree, yet she is one of the best sales people in her company. This shows that receiving a college education is not where you receive all your knowledge and you can still be successful if you are determined.


Though my mom did not complete college, she has always urged me to go to college. Ever since I was young I knew I would go to a four-year university and become a nurse. This may be considered following the “American Dream” but has always been my dream that I formed for myself. I have always strived to receive good grades and consider getting a “C” a failure. But as I have grown I have come to realize that failure is what makes a person grow.  Without failing you will never be able to know how you can make yourself better.


Everyone has their own definition of “success” and I feel that they should all be respected. Everyone must fail at some point in his or her life in order to be able to grow and become a stronger person. As Zinsser says, “Don’t be afraid to fail” for with failure comes growth and maturity. 


Kimbi33 said...

This is a very well written blog. I enjoyed reading it cause I could relate to some of the things you said. You made a good point when you said everyone must fail in order to become successful. I think it's important that at some point you fail in order to better yourself and learn from your mistakes. I also can relate by saying my parents are both really hard workers and that has helped shape me as a person today, as well as convince me to go on to college. Collge was never an option for me, no matter what I have to go, and just like you I have heard that since i was young. I'm so glad I'm hear cause I couldn't imagine my life without college and the success it will bring!

Anonymous said...

My mother also didn't finish college, but she is an IT specialist and very good at her job. Even though she didn't get a degree, she was able to gain knowledge a different way and be successfull. I guess there are many oppurtunities out there where you can learn something to make you more successful. I really look up to her for all the hard work she has done and how far she has gotten without a college degree.

Susanne said...

I like your post very much as it deals with a very important fact that failing is the key on the way to success.Pointing out that college is not necessarily the only source of knowledge, i totally agree with you. Booksmartness only takes you so far in life..however common sense and an understanding of values is likewise as important.
Additionally, my parents also helped me in shaping me as a person and I have to say that i am very glad that both of my parents come from totally different backgroud. My dad always emphasized the booksmartness and mom encourage the common sense part which i guess, made me the person i am. So overall,i think a good mix of both components and a reasonable amount of failure down the road are the key to success in the long-term.